This was what I remembered, that morning when I awoke remembering. I thought about that man and all his shortcomings for quite awhile. Then I sat down and wrote him a brief letter. I did not say I felt all right about him now. I merely asked this man to do me a small kindness. It was a small request I made of him, and I made it easy for him to decline. But my act of requesting was proof beyond words that I no longer was feeling any bitterness toward him at all.

He almost turned himself inside out to grant what I asked. But that was incidental. What did prove important when I reached this little island of forgiveness

was a

new sense of integrity and power that flowed into me, much as when one stands up all naked and clean in a warm sun. And with this, my vital prayer was shortly answered too. I felt the great arm of my Friend around me again.

I do not explain this. The Testament makes much of the need for forgiveness, without explaining why. Perhaps the resentful man walls himself off not just from all humanity, but from his Lover too.

That idea has proved useful to me, at any rate, during years of trying to dredge out from the man the accumulated hurts and angers of a once-lost boy. But thought tells us little; the God I know about is known more through feeling as when one senses the presence of the

comrade in the room, without even lifting the eyes.

I sometimes feel that He must be specially interested in the efforts of men like me to forgive just because most homosexuals in our society face so much we need to forgive, in reaching out to the world.

Arthur B. Krell

ONE again mentioned in another publication:



monthly by Our World Publishing Company, Inc. featured in its August 1954 issue an article entitled "Let's Be Honest About HOMOSEXUALS" and mention was made of both ONE and the Mattachine Society. ONE commends OUR WORLD for attempting an honest evaluation of the homosexual problem and finds it re-

freshing in view of articles which have appeared in other publica-


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